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Season’s Givings from Karsh Hagan

June 6, 2024

Written By:

McCall Moore

‘Tis the season for heartfelt moments and merry memories. Remember the thrill of unwrapping that perfect gift, humming along to cheerful tunes, or simply basking in the comfort of loved ones’ company? 

This holiday, we’re not just decking the halls — we’re taking a moment to spread joy and support within our communities. Karsh Hagan and our incredible clients believe in spreading positivity in the places we call home, and that’s why this year, we’re donating to charities that embody the spirit of the season. And guess what? We’re not limiting the joy to our own backyard — we’re spreading it across Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Idaho. The organizations we’ve picked are committed to lifting up the underrepresented and lending a hand to those who need it most. We are fortunate enough that sharing the holiday spirit means doing our part to bring moments of peace, joy, comfort and love. 

Here are the organizations and communities we’re giving a little extra love to this holiday season:

Pepper’s Senior Dog Sanctuary in Littleton, Colorado

Pepper’s mission is to allow a senior dog the chance to thrive in their Golden Years, which is only possible thanks to donations and gifts from the community. Donations provide dogs with food, toys, medical care, and more to a special senior dog.  

Denver Health Foundation Sponsor in Denver, Colorado

Proceeds support Denver Health’s core mission: to provide to all in our community with access to the highest quality, equitable health care regardless of their ability to pay; to educate the next generation of health care professionals serving our community; and to engage in research and community partnerships to better deliver the health care needs of their patients. 

Children’s Nebraska in Omaha, Nebraska 

The funds donated will support important programs, life-saving equipment, and vital research to help Children’s Nebraska meet kids’ unique health care needs. Many of the services Children’s provides are not reimbursed, and no child in need of medical care is ever turned away for an inability to pay. 

Arts South Dakota in Pierre, South Dakota

Donations to Arts South Dakota are imperative to arts advocacy, support, and education work. The combined power of the voices of individual donors and organizational members advocates for and develops the state’s arts ecosystem. 

Food For Our Children in Sand Point, Idaho

Food For Our Children works and brings the community together to ease the burden of food insecurity for children in Bonner County — and donations help accomplish exactly that. 

So here’s to a season that’s not just about presents under the tree, but about the importance of kindness and community and lifting up those who need our support. We invite you to join us in sharing the joy, because together, we can make every day feel a bit more like the most wonderful time of the year. 

"Its not wether you get knocked down"


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If you could be anyone you wanted to be, who would you be? How exciting is it to think that you could start a new chapter in your life in a whole new world? Without the limitations of the physical world and human constructs that have been created around you?

Well that’s where the Metaverse comes in. There are whole new worlds being created out there that will remove the physical limitations of life and allow you to chase your dreams and be who you want to be.

Sounds pretty exciting right? Let’s dig in a little more to understand what this might look like.


Simply put, the Metaverse is the convergence of all the digital things you do online into one virtual experience.

In a sense, it already exists. We sit on Zoom calls, research on the web, talk on social media, buy things on Amazon, watch streaming events and online video, and play games. The Metaverse is already here.

But think of tying all of it together and removing some of the limitations that still exist in your physical life when you access the web.

But how is this all of the sudden now possible?

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